A book cover with the title lamentations of the father.

Lamentations of the Father: Essays by Ian Frazier 2008

Frazier, a staff member at The New Yorker, is one of our most brilliant and funny essayists.  This book is a fine example of the latter, leading to a frequent chuckle and an occasional guffaw.  His writing, however, is a bit uneven.  Some of the 36 essays, most of which are shorter than 4 pages, are off target, but many of them are very funny.  The Cursing Mommy Cookbook and A Cursing Mommy Christmas are two of the funniest.  This is not a book that one sits down and reads straight through.  Far better is to pop it onto your night stand or even next to your toilet, and dip into an essay or two at a sitting.  It will leave you with a smile and make you eager to return to the book again and again.