A man with glasses is hiding behind some books.

Reading Lists

I began to keep a Book Journal in 1978, and in 2000, I began to compile the year’s reading into an annual Reading List which I sent via email to my family.  The distribution for the Annual Reading List began to expand via word of mouth, and in January, 2018, more than 300 people received the summary of annual reading.   Now, the Annual Reading List will be available in real time.

If you click on a title in one of the reading lists, the book cover and my review from the Book Journal section will appear.  I hope you find your next great book among these.

A book is open and sitting on the floor.

Reading List 2004

A book is open and sitting on the floor.

Reading List 2003

A book is open and sitting on the floor.

Reading List 2002

A book is open and sitting on the floor.

Reading List 2001

A book is open and sitting on the floor.

Reading List 2000