A book cover with a truck and house on it.

Dirty Money, Richard Stark (aka Donald Westlake) 2008

In Westlake’s penultimate Parker book, there is no heist, caper, robbery, or other shenanigans.  That doesn’t mean that Parker behaves himself and during the 300 pages or so, he manages to strangle one of his partners and shoot several of the bad guys who are trying to interfere with his plans. The plans have to do with his attempt to lay his hands on and then dispose of the $2.4 million from the armored car heist that was the lead in to Ask the Parrot.  The money was marked and is now ‘dirty’.  Parker has lost his ID and his ‘wanted’ poster is all over western Massachusetts, but he is determined to get the money and make at least 10 cents on the dollar.  His efforts make for an entertaining and fast-moving plot as once again, Parker improvises on the fly and ends up successful.  Another fine addition to the Parker series.

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