A book cover with a man in black and white.

Winter Journal, Paul Auster, 2012

A mid-sixties memoir by this poet, novelist, filmmaker focuses on the places he’s lived since birth in New Jersey and the last 30 years in Brooklyn, on the deaths of his parents (Mom and Dad dying abruptly and unexpectedly; stepdad dying lingeringly of coronary artery disease; mother-in-law dying horribly of ALS), and long lists of quotidian actions and events. Lyric about his second wife and his daughter, he never mentions by name his first wife (Lydia Davis) or son. “Winter” refers to his final sentence: “You have entered the winter of your life”—this, at 64, seems a bit too pessimistic! Great descriptions of early childhood memories and pubertal sex obsessiveness. Excellent descriptions of early adult responsibility crises—money, love, career. Overall, a bit quirky (2nd person perspective) but excellent job.