Unless it Moves the Human Heart: The Craft and Art of Writing, Roger Rosenblatt 2011
A lovely, little book paraphrasing he exchange between a teacher in an MFA seminar and his multi-generational, cross-cultural grad students as they explore the short story, poetry, and essay forms. Rosenblatt is quick with the quote, anecdote, and reference making the book fun. Poets he cites are Stevens and essayists as well—Bacon, Emerson, Thoreau, Montaigne, Orwell (A Piece of Chalk), Chesterton, Baldwin, Mary McCarthy, Dillard, Twain, Woolf (Death of a Moth), Beerbohm (Taking a Walk), Gayle Pemberton (Do we Have your Number, Sir). His short story citations include Salinger (A Perfect Day for Bananafish and Laughing Man), Joyce (Clay) and Edwin Muir (Autobiography). He promotes imagination over invention, writing as the cure for living, and suggests creating one’s own Poetry Anthology and writing an introduction. There is nothing stranger than the ordinary-seeming man. a real jewel!