A book cover with the title of the glass house.

The Glass House, Philip Johnson, 1993

A beautiful photo/essay book about one of the 20th Century’s iconic buildings. A 1780-square-foot building on 49 acres in New Canaan, Connecticut, the building is one of ten structures designed by the first Pritzker Prize winner.  Johnson was born in Ohio in 1906, lived an immense life in modernist architecture, and died in 2005. Bought and read on our visit there, the book reminds me of the innovation, creativity, and daring of Johnson, a focal point for the architecture (Graves, Stern, Rogers, Foster, Gwathney, et al) and artists (Warhol, Stella, Schnabell, Heiser, Segal, Naumann, et al.) of the 1970’s to 1990’s. A wonderfully worthwhile visit!