Maphead, Ken Jennings 2011
What a delicious book! Written by the 2004 record-breaking Jeopardy winner, this book ostensibly about the disciplines of geography was a treasure trove for the map-loving, list-making, fact-mongering nerd that I am. With each chapter entitled by a single geographic term (e.g. eccentricity, bearing, fault, benchmarks, elevation, legend, reckoning meander, transit, overedge, frontier and relief), Jennings introduces the reader to the art and skill of map-making and map-reading, the treasure trove of the Library of Congress’s Geography and Maps Division, England’s Royal Geographic Society (now headed by former Python, Michael Palin), the world of map-collecting and map-stealing (Forbes Smiley), the creators and creation of fictional lands and their maps, the world of the National Geographic Spelling Bee, the list makers of the Travelers Century Club and the Highpointer’s Club, roadgeeks and Rand McNally and the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre of map travel, GPS and geocaching which reached 1 million sites in March/2010 with its FTF and obsessives, Google Earth and Google Street View, confluences (16,340 worldwide). Great book; great fun.