In Too Deep by Lee and Andrew Child 2024

I have been reading the Jack Reacher books since #1 in 1997.  The annual publication has resulted in 28 books and one short story collection, and I have a relationship with the series that borders on addiction.  I know they’re bad for me, but I can’t resist experiencing Reacher’s ongoing struggle to make the world a better place for the weak and innocent.

The format is always the same. This 6’4″ former Army Major in the Military Police who wanders the land without house, credit cards, phone, or other possessions enters a small town via bus, hitchhiking or just plain hiking, and within moments is drawn into a life-and-death struggle with bad guys who are harassing, hurting, or killing the innocent citizens of said small town.  The bad guys over the years have come in many sizes, shapes, and national origins, but Reacher is an equal opportunity maimer and mauler.

This book is a bit of an excepton since in Chapter 1 we find Reacher handcuffed to a metal table with a broken wrist and a bad concussion.  We actually never learn how he got there but that doesn’t stop him from eventually saving the world from nearly certain nuclear destruction.  As usual, there’s a love interest who turns up in the middle of the action, and as usual, all’s well that end’s well as our hero walks off into the sunset, and the 2025 version of this story awaits.

Sadly, despite adding his brother a few years back, the Child boys show a distinct decline in creativity and writing.  This book is just plain pathetic and almost impossible to follow.  I may be getting senile, but the Child boys have definitely lost their mojo.  Will I be able to resist the next version?  Time will tell.  In the meantime, if you can, skip this one.