How Long, Ron Padgett, 2011
A poetry collection by this Tulsa, Oklahoma-born poet living in New York City and Calais, Vermont. A prominent member of the New York School of Koch, Ashbery, Brainard and Ted Berryman, Padgett writes poem with little punctuation, sentence structure or theme, but with the occasional “wince of recognition.” Death is a big issue, probably due to the approach of his 70th birthday and his 2-year-old grandson. Clever wordsmith, eg. How Long of the title is also referred to as the name of a Chinese city. “Thinking About a Cloud: There’s not a lot of time to think/when one is assaulted by activities and obligations/and even less time to do it/when one is free of them/ because then one spends one’s time thinking/about how little time there is.”