A book cover with an old photo of cars and trucks.

Countryman’s Year, Haydn Pearson 1949

As reprinted in Time 1/10/1949, Pearson was raised in Hancock, NY, lived in Waban, wrote a twice weekly column printed in 79 newspapers about his treks through Maine, NH, and VT.  Organized by months of the year and often focused on very mundane and quotidian topics, Pearson’s essays give the reader a very real sense of what life in rural New England was like in the early/mid 20th C.—food, chores, weather, town fixtures like the general store, the strawberry social, the tin peddlar, covered bridges, county fair, the lamp lighter.  Plain spoken, sharply observant of the telling detail, and unaffected by the modern world, these are unique portraits of a now gone world.